And he has no idea what’s going on

August 30, 2008 at 10:47 pm | Posted in relationships | 1 Comment
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Photo by Hamed MasoumiLast night I dreamt about my most recent ex, Poly Dude. In the dream I had an opportunity to see him, and he almost canceled on me at the last minute. This made me realize that I was actually really excited to see him and that I would have been sad if I hadn’t gotten the chance. He was moving in a couple of days and I wanted a last afternoon with him to be his friend and enjoy his company. I still liked him, and respected him, and appreciated all of the things he brought into my life. I actually told him all of this in my dream, face to face. His beautiful stupid face.

When I woke up I noted that:

a) he was actually going to be moving in the next day or so, if he wasn’t already gone;

b) I really did still like him and maybe I wanted to see him, and wished that he could still be in my life without causing me a great deal of pain.

This pissed me off.

After I break up with a lover – it doesn’t matter who initiated the separation – I go through a period of vilifying him and refusing to think about any of his positive qualities or my tender feelings for him. Maybe this isn’t entirely healthy, but it does help prevent me from spiraling into the “What did I do wrong? Oh god, I’ve ruined this great relationship and no one will ever want or love me” nonsense. Temporarily blaming the other person relieves me of obsessing over all of my own shortcomings and my worth as a girlfriend/human being. Even as it’s happening I know it’s a distortion of reality, but that’s okay with me. After a month or so, the storm of unruly emotion passes and I can go about assessing the relationship and the breakup more calmly, seeing what went wrong, noting how I contributed to it and how I can do better next time, and then remembering that I did (and probably do still) care about my ex, that he was a good guy in some ways and worthy of my love.

I don’t know whether I’m really ready to step into that space with Poly Dude yet. It’s been about a month since the breakup and I’m still feeling hurt and rejected and unworthy, so I’m thinking probably not. But then why did I have the dream? Why did my unconscious feel the need to remind me that I do still have feelings for him, that I don’t just think he’s a complete asshole who is completely responsible for how shitty I feel and all the things that went wrong between us? God damn it. I don’t really know what to makeĀ  of it, though I do think it’s sort of funny that my unconscious seems to be taking on Poly Dude’s old role of pushing me into doing things I’m not comfortable with, in the name of accelerating my personal development. It was easy enough to flip him off (even when I took him seriously), but dismissing my own psychic impulse to speed the healing process is more difficult.

Anyway, I’m definitely too stubborn and fragile to contact him and tell him I still have feelings for him. Let him think I still want him to rot in hell. Most of me does.

Photo by Hamed Masoumi.

Memories encased in glass

August 12, 2008 at 11:20 pm | Posted in dreams, relationships | Leave a comment
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I had another dream about Travis last night. This one was a little more intimate: we spent time together, we were lying in bed. He had lost all that weight he was obsessing over last time I saw him, and I was thoroughly enjoying wrapping my hands around his fit little waist. Yum yum yum. There was still the sense of distance – he remained wary of me, and I was awkward because of it, knowing that I couldn’t get him to warm up to me any faster than he would on his own. Still, again today I miss him. The urge to reconnect is becoming hard to resist. It’s not like I think it would be a good idea to get back together, if he would even buy that. I’m pretty sure he’s shown me that he is too much for me to handle.

But what I discovered is that because of him, and a couple of other exes or “almosts,” I feel more comfortable with the prospect of moving back to the East Coast for grad school than I would feel about moving to, say, Chicago or Austin or even Santa Fe. (Why did I say “even” Santa Fe? Not sure… New Mexico just seems a lot less foreign to a San Franciscan like me than Austin does.) When I think of the Northeast I get warm fuzzy feelings. Maybe it’s simply because I’ve spent time there, I’ve even lived there for a few years, so it’s more familiar. But I can’t help thinking it has something to do with these boys, as well. Boys who drove me crazy with desire or rage or both, boys who withheld vital things from me when I was desperate for them.

Why should I feel fond of them? Why would their presence make me feel safe? On a practical level they have each proven themselves to be unreliable. I realized it’s because, despite whatever awful things we said or did to each other, I also shared with each of them a bond that grew from vulnerability, tenderness, a profound understanding and acceptance of each other. I got to see the parts of them that made me able to love them at all – the human parts – and it seems that no amount of pain, betrayal or disappointment is able to erase that fundamental fondness I feel for each of them. It explains why I still associate them, first individually and now collectively, with being home.

It’s comforting to discover that even the simple knowledge of those connections once made and nurtured is enough to continue feeding me. To know, at the very least, that I once upon a time felt at home with someone, is sufficient to strengthen me in the face of embarking on another grand adventure, completely alone.

… ha. That sounded pretty good, right? Maybe a little cheesy. But it’s a lie. I don’t feel stronger. I feel terrified of being alone, of removing myself once again from an already sparse support network. (The internet can only do so much, folks.) I feel myself drawn to the East Coast precisely because then, I tell myself, I wouldn’t be alone. Maybe one of these boys would come through for me, give me love and affection and comfort and encouragement when I need them, tell me I am worth something because I still don’t really, really believe it. But jesus, if I am really counting on that, even if I don’t want to admit it to myself, I am only going to be setting myself up for devastation. I’ve already said these people aren’t trustworthy, not on that level. They’re good people, don’t get me wrong. But they’re not prepared to step into any kind of primary role in my life. Not to mention that they almost certainly have no desire to do so: I’m a fucking handful. Yet again I try to get away with deluding myself. Can’t I do a single goddamn thing alone, without looking around frantically for someone I can collapse on if I need to? Not that we don’t all need that sometimes. But I am probably just looking for an excuse to collapse again.

I hope I’m only freaking out because my two good friends in this city happen to be simultaneously out of town for more than a week. Otherwise I’ll have to revisit this soon.

Dreams of love and loss

August 9, 2008 at 9:24 am | Posted in dreams, relationships | Leave a comment
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Do you ever have dreams of an ex that leave you feeling destroyed in the morning? That’s me today. It wasn’t an especially bad dream, plot-wise, but it’s always the emotional charge of it that lingers. So last night it was him walking away with his girlfriend (my ex-girlfriend, technically), walking away again and again, always smiling, without a scrap of concern for what he was leaving behind.

I’m calling this day a wash; I don’t expect to get anything done.

Feeling all of these horrible emotions churning inside me, fresher and more concrete than I’ve ever experienced them, I’m astounded that I spent two months of my life forcing myself to continue feeling this way: unappreciated, neglected, expendable, valueless, not enough. I excused it because I thought it would “build character,” and held out because I thought things might change if I waited long enough. How fucking stupid was I? And the thing is that this is not an anomaly in my life: it’s just an exaggerated version of the pattern I’ve run through with pretty much every guy I’ve ever loved, or wanted to love.

I should be grateful for having had this destructive pattern shoved in my face so that I can never repeat it again without remembering vividly how much it hurt, how much I didn’t deserve to feel this way. But I’m not at the point yet where I can feel grateful, or anything, really, except confused, wounded, and violently angry.

Yesterday it was a different dream, a different ex (call him Travis): I dreamt that after half a year of silence I flew across the country to his parents’ house on a whim, knowing that on this day of the week he would be there for dinner. Pristine snow blanketed the lawns and shrubbery in his neighborhood, creating that magical stillness of the east coast winter. I arrived at his front door and the house was empty, so I got out my cell phone to call him when he walked up. It was an awkward meeting. He seemed like maybe he was happy to see me, or just surprised. He kept saying, “You didn’t call me to let me know… you should have called me.” I had dinner with his parents. I saw his old bedroom for the first time. I knew from his Livejournal that he was dating his ex (the one before me) again, that he was most likely madly in love with her again. But still I hoped for something, a reconnection, a return to the intimacy we had created between us once upon a time.

When I woke up I felt a warm stirring inside me, the abrupt reappearance of the fondness I had felt for him when we were together. So my yesterday was flooded with fuzzy memories and a longing to reconnect, as we had (almost?) in the dream. I fought hard against the urge to IM or email him; I ended things clumsily back in March, and we haven’t spoken since. Would he resent me for contacting him? Does he hate me now? Is it even possible, or practically desirable, to try to recreate what we had? I don’t know the answers to these questions. I would like to know that he thinks fondly of me, but I’m not sure it’s worth the asking, the risk of finding out the opposite.

Do other people have such strong reactions to their dreams? Do they ever haunt your days, the ones that stick despite your best efforts to release them to their natural dissolution? Are there dreams that you cling to like a warm blanket, letting their good feelings envelop you until finally they fade?

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