I know I’m unlovable

September 10, 2008 at 8:00 pm | Posted in relationships | 5 Comments
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My ex Jon, from this spring, told me tonight that the primary reason he’d ended things with me is that he’d met someone else. In fact, they’d met before we had ever officially started dating. I even remember him telling me about their first date. He was disturbingly ecstatic about it, considering he had already told me about a week prior that he was sure he wanted to start dating me when I moved to San Francisco. When he broke up with me, he told me it was because I was too much work: I didn’t immediately open up emotionally on our first date as an “official couple,” and the fact that I didn’t pick up a phone call after he stood me up for our second date was enough reason to consider me “melodramatic” and “difficult.” (I was driving when he called.) So tonight when he told me about his now-girlfriend and the fact that he’d fallen for her before he broke up with me, I told him it was pretty shitty for him to tell me the breakup was my fault instead of just letting me know he had feelings for someone else. His response was, “Well, all of those things were true. I just might not have had the nerve to tell you if it hadn’t been for Sara.”

So Awesome.

I just ripped my hand open while punching the living room couch and screaming until I was dizzy.

You know, these kinds of revelations are not the best thing for a girl who’s already PMSing. Beyond that, it seems to be a trend of some sort. Lately I just can’t seem to get enough harsh truth from my exes about why I am impossible (or, at best, unpleasant) to be in a relationship with:

  • I’m emotionally closed off.
  • I’m a drama queen.
  • I’m too anger-driven.
  • I have difficulty being up-front about what I want and need.
  • I compromise too much.
  • I’m not compassionate enough.
  • I can’t tolerate enough pain during sex.
  • My vindictive streak is frightening.
  • I’m myopic in my pain.
  • I get adversarial very quickly.
  • I don’t allow people to get to know me.

All right, I fucking get it. I just don’t know what the fuck to do about it.

Meanwhile, this past weekend I went on my first date since my breakup in July. (Sorry, not via CrazyBlindDate.com, just through regular ol’ OkCupid.) The guy was a lot of fun, and we’re seeing each other again this weekend. Caveat: he’s poly and has been with his primary partner for a decade and a half. Which means, of course, that whatever happens between us has no chance of turning into anything Serious (by my definition). This is fine, since with everything else going on, I can’t justify getting into a Big Relationship right now, and I’m feeling too fragile to really open up to anyone. Some of my friends may (with good reason) doubt my ability to get into a casual relationship with this dude. I’m open to the possibility that I won’t be able to, in which case I’ll just get trampled one more time. What’s the big deal? Suddenly this new information from Jon is making me feel like I’d be doing the world a favor by giving up on even pretending that I can be anyone’s girlfriend.

And he has no idea what’s going on

August 30, 2008 at 10:47 pm | Posted in relationships | 1 Comment
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Photo by Hamed MasoumiLast night I dreamt about my most recent ex, Poly Dude. In the dream I had an opportunity to see him, and he almost canceled on me at the last minute. This made me realize that I was actually really excited to see him and that I would have been sad if I hadn’t gotten the chance. He was moving in a couple of days and I wanted a last afternoon with him to be his friend and enjoy his company. I still liked him, and respected him, and appreciated all of the things he brought into my life. I actually told him all of this in my dream, face to face. His beautiful stupid face.

When I woke up I noted that:

a) he was actually going to be moving in the next day or so, if he wasn’t already gone;

b) I really did still like him and maybe I wanted to see him, and wished that he could still be in my life without causing me a great deal of pain.

This pissed me off.

After I break up with a lover – it doesn’t matter who initiated the separation – I go through a period of vilifying him and refusing to think about any of his positive qualities or my tender feelings for him. Maybe this isn’t entirely healthy, but it does help prevent me from spiraling into the “What did I do wrong? Oh god, I’ve ruined this great relationship and no one will ever want or love me” nonsense. Temporarily blaming the other person relieves me of obsessing over all of my own shortcomings and my worth as a girlfriend/human being. Even as it’s happening I know it’s a distortion of reality, but that’s okay with me. After a month or so, the storm of unruly emotion passes and I can go about assessing the relationship and the breakup more calmly, seeing what went wrong, noting how I contributed to it and how I can do better next time, and then remembering that I did (and probably do still) care about my ex, that he was a good guy in some ways and worthy of my love.

I don’t know whether I’m really ready to step into that space with Poly Dude yet. It’s been about a month since the breakup and I’m still feeling hurt and rejected and unworthy, so I’m thinking probably not. But then why did I have the dream? Why did my unconscious feel the need to remind me that I do still have feelings for him, that I don’t just think he’s a complete asshole who is completely responsible for how shitty I feel and all the things that went wrong between us? God damn it. I don’t really know what to makeĀ  of it, though I do think it’s sort of funny that my unconscious seems to be taking on Poly Dude’s old role of pushing me into doing things I’m not comfortable with, in the name of accelerating my personal development. It was easy enough to flip him off (even when I took him seriously), but dismissing my own psychic impulse to speed the healing process is more difficult.

Anyway, I’m definitely too stubborn and fragile to contact him and tell him I still have feelings for him. Let him think I still want him to rot in hell. Most of me does.

Photo by Hamed Masoumi.

Friends with sexual tension

August 18, 2008 at 12:15 am | Posted in relationships | Leave a comment
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Last night during my cock-obsessed hours, I happened to leave the TV on a channel that started showing Will and Grace reruns. It’s not a show I choose to watch, but I tolerate it if it’s on. Anyway, I managed to catch a couple of the subplots; one revolved around Will running into an ex at a restaurant and making a big fucking deal about it. He was suddenly worried that he’d made a mistake in ending the relationship. When he finally talked to the guy, his ex reported that he was happy and his life was moving forward and he was seeing someone new.

Will came back to Grace devastated. And Grace held his hand and said, “Oh, I’m sorry, honey. It’s always hard to hear that your ex is happy.” And you could tell that the audience wasn’t sure whether this was supposed to be funny; no one laughed, but you could feel the tension. It’s a terrible, selfish thing to feel like crap about an ex being happy with someone else, but isn’t that just how it goes?

I talked to one of my more recent exes – Jon – tonight for the first time in about two months. He asked me what was new and I told him I’d broken up with that crazy poly couple (his response when I’d told him about the relationship two months before had been “That sounds terrible;” he had been right, though I didn’t want to admit it then). And then he told me he was seeing someone. I congratulated him; luckily for me, it’s a lot easier to fake sincerity over IMs.

This is a tendency of mine, if you haven’t noticed: I like to cling to past relationships, to look back and say, “yeah, that wasn’t so bad… he was a good guy… i really cared about him… we had something. Maybe there’s something worth going back for.” And I just like to have that option available. Never mind that Jon and I aren’t very sexually compatible (he’s extremely passive and his sex-drive is as close to non-existent as a 26-year-old male’s can get), and he’s also strongly opposed to open relationships, so there’s no way a romantic relationship would have worked out between us. As long as I’m settling for sexual/romantic arrangements that fail to satisfy my needs, he would have been a decent candidate. We had such a nice rapport: he was easygoing and comfortable and affectionate and goofy and intelligent and domestic. A really good balance to my moody insanity.


I read a blog post tonight about how to handle a breakup. It was written in a blog that I’m coming to find irritating in its relentless positivity (but that’s a topic for another post). Anyway, in the first section there was mention of how the end of a romantic relationship doesn’t have to mean the end of the friendship, too. You can preserve the connection, the intimacy and the love you feel for one another and just remove all of the romantic baggage. Wow, that sounds really nice, doesn’t it?

But here’s the problem: I’m not at all sure it’s possible to be friends with someone you were once sexually or romantically attracted to (see my blog post on this topic, “Your guy friend wants to get into your pants”). Poly Dude was of this opinion too, more specifically that men and women in general are not capable of being “just friends” without sexual tension. Sex is always in the equation, whether or not both parties acknowledge it. In fact, because Poly Dude was bi and incredibly attractive to both sexes (sigh), he felt that friendship in general was not possible without sexual tension. In his opinion, then, there is no pure form of friendship in practice. His girlfriend Kristen and I disagreed with this, saying the problem was exclusive to men, though ironically my friendship/relationship with her came apart because she developed strong sexual feelings for me. I think I generally manage my female-female friendships without any significant sexual tension, though this may be simply because of brutal, largely unconscious repression mechanisms at work in my psyche.

But with men, I’ve come to expect that either I will want to have sex with a guy or he will want to have sex with me. Most men are willing to have sex with any given woman, under the right circumstances. Because of this, I can never get too close to a guy “platonically” because the more intimate we become, the greater the possibility that he will somehow misinterpret and try to make a move on me. Alternatively, even if he doesn’t misinterpret my behavior, his attraction to me might turn to resentment at not sleeping with him. Both of these scenarios have occurred in my life with boys I considered very close friends. Maybe they were just idiots and it’s unfair to generalize. But so far I haven’t found an exception to the rule.

I was thinking about this regarding Luke, who told me again the other night that he was happy “just being friends” when I said I wasn’t interested in casual sex. But come on. The level of attraction there is ridiculous; it’s force unto itself. Do I think we could hang out casually and not feel that lust coursing between us? Fuck no. Not possible, no way.

But when I think about it with respect to Jon I just get sad. It reminds me that the level of intimacy that we aspired to together is no longer possible between us. Maybe this is just how people in our society are programmed: you reach the deepest intimacy with your primary partner, the one you share your body and your life with. No one else. Maybe it doesn’t have to be this way. I don’t know. That’s a topic for another post.

Related reading:
Your guy friend wants to get into your pants.

A weak moment

August 14, 2008 at 5:00 pm | Posted in relationships | Leave a comment
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I just got an email from Poly Dude telling me that he and his girlfriend have decided they’re moving to Washington at the end of the month. He prefaced the news by saying he knew I was still upset with him and he was sorry to be telling me something that would probably upset me more. So that may have shaped my reaction. I mean, why should I be upset? Much worse would have been the two of them moving into the city, increasing the chances of my running into them in any number of places but most notably anywhere in the kink scene, where I would have the opportunity to be reminded of my sexual inadequacy (in his eyes at least). No, much better for them to move so far away that there’s no chance I would ever see them again unless I made an effort.

He invited me to let him know if I wanted to see either of them before they leave. Now why would I want that? I don’t; judging from past experience it will probably be several months before I have any desire to see him again. But despite all of these things, the news has left me feeling vulnerable, altogether too soft. I would like someone to lean into right now, to curl up against, who will tell me that I’m wonderful and lovable and that I deserve to be with someone who will be good and kind and gentle (when I need him to be). But of course there is no one. I am hoping that by writing this entry I will be able to purge some of these feelings and get on with things. The urge to drink is creeping back into my life, and it worries me a little. At the same time, it is such an easy fix for what I know to be temporary emotional states, states that will pass regardless. And I know that drinking is a cop-out, a way to hide from my feelings rather than deal with them. But sometimes it really just is too much to handle and then I tell myself there’s probably something wrong with me anyway, getting as worked up as I do about silly things. Is it so wrong to want a break once in a while? … Even writing this makes me want to make myself a drink.

What I really want is to have someone I can crawl inside of and feel safe. In twenty-six years that hasn’t changed. I don’t even care if it’s impossible to find someone you can always, unconditionally feel safe with. If I lost hope for it I don’t know what would happen to me.

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